
Signing The Text In Your About Me Section Of Your Facebook Profile Using Gnupg


Have you ever wondered if there is actually a way to prove you own a Facebook account using GPG. Well, there is a way to sign a text in your about me section in your Facebook account and have it be verified using your GPG secret key


  • You understand how to sign and verify documents using GPG or OpenPGP application


  • Obviously, this requires that those wishing to verify your profile knows how to use GPG which is unfortunately rare.

  • This only works with

How do we do it

1: Write your message that you want for About me in a text file. Name it about.txt. Use simple text editor such as notepad and not something like MS Word. Leave two extra blank lines at the top and the bottom of about.txt to make it tidier and easier to read.

2: Clearsign that text using gpg.

gpg --clearsign about.txt

3: It will produce a text file called about.txt.asc

4: You need to add four spaces in front of each line in that signed file(about.txt.asc). You can use any method to accomplish this, if you have sed installed (Most GNU/Linux and UNIX like distributions have it preinstalled) you can use sed to do it and put the result in another file. You can use following command;

sed 's/^/    /' about.txt.asc > about_seded.txt.asc

Remember, thats four spaces in there between the slashes. Or you can use any online tool to do this, I will suggest using if you dont have sed installed.

5: Open and navigate to the About me section in your profile. Paste the contents of about_seded.txt.asc in there.

6: When you paste it in there, only remove four spaces in front of the first line, ie the line with -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Repeat: Only remove the beginnig four spaces for this line. Leave others intact

7: Save and check signature. Now it should verify

Why cant I just paste my signature file in there and have it verify

I do not know why that is the case, in my test, when I just paste the text in there without anything I described above, the signature does not verify

Why cant I use the new Facebook

Well, new Facebook will malform the text in order to make it look pretty, that is something you do not want